Msemen. Add warm water and mix to form a dough. Divide the dough into balls the size of small plums.
Making msemen requires a bit of practice The dough needs to be stretched thin with well-oiled hands on well-oiled working surface (a baking sheet lined with a silicone mat works great), which may cause it. Heat a pan with oil, saute the onions along with finely chopped green chilies. The Msemen are best served warm shortly after pan-frying, but they do freeze well.
Add the water and combine to make a dough.
Serve warm or at room temperature.
Msemen (pronounced Mmm-SiM-EN) is a traditional Moroccan bread made by thinly rolling out a stretchy, oil enriched dough, adding butter and some more folds and then cooking on a griddle until cooked through. Steps for making the dough: Mix all the dry ingredients together (flour, semolina, salt, sugar, and yeast). Replier les msemen en rabattant la partie supérieur vers le milieu, puis la partie inférieur vers le milieu et répéter l'opération avec chaque côté.
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Nestor Kraatz
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