Fraisier. Fraisier, a traditional French cake, consists of a sponge cake soaked in kirsch, filled with mousseline cream and a generous amount of strawberries (hence its name), and is usually covered with a thin layer of pink or green almond paste. Although the authentic recipe calls for mousseline cream, it is no longer at all rare to see it being replaced today by buttercream, a cream.
Un sirop d'enrobage : de l'eau et des morceaux de fraises.
Fraisier is one of the most elegant strawberry cakes I have made so far.
Montar los huevos con la yema y el azúcar en la batidora hasta que se enfríe completamente. The name Le Fraisier comes from fraise (French for "strawberry"), and celebrates the sweetness of fresh, French strawberries. Si l'on est fan de fraises et de desserts, rien que de voir ce gâteau, on salive déjà et il est bien difficile de résister.
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Nestor Kraatz
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